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There is a reason why this Bergenfield practice is called Results. I have suffered from headaches on and off (mostly on) for several years. After appointments with NUMEROUS doctors, I turned to acupuncture, but it's important to know why.

I met Shifu Raymond J. Ahles at an event. I saw a sign by his table that read, "Pulse Readings."  Of course I was curious and immediately wanted to know more. Once it was my turn, I sat down with Shifu and he held onto my wrists and began reading my pulse. Right away he looked at me and said that I suffered from terrible headaches and digestion issues. Now here's the thing, obviously I already knew that, but HOW DID HE? We literally just met and he read my pulse for a few seconds. I didn't even know that you could read a pulse?!

It sounds corny, but it's almost like Shifu could see the pain in my eyes and obviously in my head! I was completely desperate for relief and was pretty much willing to try anything. After my pulse reading — and his confidence in being able to help me, I had no doubt that I had to set up an appointment right then and there. 

Shortly after meeting, I went for a consultation and the rest is history, and so are my headaches for the most part.

It's one thing to want to believe something, but it's another to believe something because it works.



Shifu put me on a schedule that I had to adhere to in order to help myself feel 

better. This included weekly acupuncture sessions, daily doses of Chinese herbs (made specifically for me in his office) and dietary changes.

What's pretty astonishing is that I could walk into an appointment with a throbbing headache, and one, two, three needles later feel 80-100 percent relief. I became a believer of acupuncture because of Shifu's passion, knowledge and talent. His team always greeted me with a friendly face and a smile, which goes a long way with me, and every time I was there, it was a full house. That was just more proof that this really works!

These days my headaches are pretty few and far between which is baffling considering the daily suffering I dealt with for so long. I'm beyond grateful for taking a chance on a treatment I wasn't well versed in and meeting Shifu. I am a full blown believer.

Mention HEATHER ZWAIN'S The Bergen County Bible when you schedule your consultation.


xo HZ

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