It's WEEK FOUR! How are you feeling? A little sore and a lot more toned?
For the next three weeks, we will be focusing on core. My favorite!
Remember, if you're a little behind, no worries! Just start with WEEK ONE and write "done" under each completed video on Instagram. All of the exercises can be performed in the comfort of your home, so you can workout at your own pace, and on your own schedule!
Keep your eyes on our Instagram pages for updates, LIVE and interactive workout classes, and Q & A's. If you complete the Summer Workout Series with us, you will qualify to receive FREE personal training sessions with TJ!
This is what you need to do:
1. Decide to start working out with us...NOW!
2. Make sure you're following us on Instagram @AdvanceFitnessNJ & @TheBergenCountyBible
3. Comment "DONE" on this IG video post when workout is completed.
Each exercise should be performed for three total rounds at either: beginner (30 seconds), intermediate (45 seconds), or advanced (60 seconds). Do the entire set three times per week for best results. Next Thursday a new workout will be posted. Stay motivated!
Exercises in this video include:
1. Plank
2. Bird Dog
3. Side Plank
*Bonus exercise*
Standing Overhead Holds with Lateral Banded Tension
Are you seeing results yet? Let us know!
Xo Heather