Anyone close to me knows just how serious my obsession with Peppermint Oil is. I literally smell like a walking candy cane 90 percent of the time because I LIVE for this stuff! Since I suffer from headaches, I have searched high and low for natural remedies to help relieve my pain. So many of my friends now use it as well. My addiction with this amazing lifesaver began seven years ago when my former neighbor (who sold oils) turned me onto Peppermint Oil. I have been dousing myself in it ever since, and will NOT leave home without it. In fact, I have a bottle with me at all times, as well as one next to my bed that I apply to my temples, across my forehead and to the nape of my neck before I lay down every night. WARNING: Do NOT and I repeat NOT get it in your eyes (unless you enjoy that kind of torture).
On a serious note, Peppermint Oil has given me more relief over the years than I can possibly express.
And when the headache is unbearable, I put the oil on my forehead and lay a cool, wet washcloth over it and shut my eyes. There are MANY brands of oils and they are sold at many different stores. However, I have found this brand (from Organico in Ramsey) to be the strongest, which I need, and it's tried and true so I don't waver. Thank you Peppermint for being a God send!
Now onto the second God send, Lavender Oil. Do you ever feel stressed? What about anxious? Can't sleep at night? Well, let me introduce you to my other best friend. Just one whiff of this floral remedy and you'll be feeling more relaxed in no time. At night is usually when I do my best thinking and writing. My brain misses the memo that lights out means to stop having racing thoughts and ideas. So, I use lavender spray on my pillows, then apply a little oil to my hands because I am a side sleeper so I can smell the scent on my hands (if that makes sense). I highly suggest carrying this pretty potion around with you as well because it relieves anxiety pretty quickly and can really help you out in a bind (a.k.a walking into a big meeting or presentation while having an anxiety attack is not a good look).
Best part is, oils last a long time AND can be used for so many home hacks and remedies.
Keep bugs away with peppermint:
To kill spiders, put a few drops of peppermint oil in a spray bottle with water, shake, and spray around doors and windows. Those creepy critters are repelled by the mint.
Keep ticks away with lavender:
Another great use for lavender oil is to keep ticks off your pets. Put a few drops in a spray bottle with water, shake and spray your furry friend to keep them safe!
If you want instant relief, and a natural way of obtaining it, give oils a try. You won't be disappointed.
xo HZ